Monday 12 August 2013

No to Wind Farms

I'm still saying it - please tell your MP we don't want our Hard Earned Cash going to make the Power Companies even fatter. They can't lose. When the prices go up they only make 5% profit - boo hoo! I am sorry. Some business cannot make ANY profit!! 

We all bailed out the Banks and they still get their salaries and FAT bonuses. Why should the power companies get FAT. I mean why pay the Wind Farm operators to NOT generate electricity - they can't lose either. They get  3 times the rate for a Megawatt of power for NOT Generating -


So not the Daily Mail has seen the madness of Constraint payments and is showing what a rip off Wind Farms are.Now there is another Money Generating Scheme - Forward Trades.

Lets stop it.

When a typical energy bill is £1300 per annum and over £200 is Tax that makes nearly 20% tax you and I pay. Is this fair on the poorest and those on fixed incomes when those companies can afford to build multi million pound wind Farms to generate Multi Millions of money!

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