Monday 21 October 2013

Hooray for New Nuclear Power Station at Hinkley Point - No to Asserby Windfarm

I'm against Windfarms and Nuclear but in this case I think we've got a good deal for the New Hinkley point Power station from EDF and the Chinese.

Forget for now my anti- Nuclear stance for another day. In this case I think the £92.50 per Megawatt hour they will get. Remember this is not until 2023. Quite probably the price of electricity will have doubled by then. the wholesale price is£50 per MWH right now. It has doubled in the last 10 years and this power station is about 10years late due to the last Governments dithering and the Dash-for-gas - which is why we're in a pickle now.


IT WILL ONLY GIVE US 7% (Less than a tenth what we need). What else will they build?

Compared to Wind Energy which is unreliable at least this will give us a reliable decent chunk. 

Don;t forget that £92.50 per MWH 

WINDFARMS already get £100 per MWH and £155 per MWH if they're at sea. This payment is index linked until 2037. No wonder all these wind turbines are going up. Its not to power Britain just to make the Landowners very rich.

Who's complaining about that?

Not to forget that Windfarms get paid for NOT Generating electricity - now what about that!

Who's is complaining that they get over £200 per MWH when NOT generating electricity. these are known as Constraint payments and are perfectly legal under current (daft) rules.

Windfarms get the wholesale price for selling their electricity plus 1 ROC on land, 2 ROCs at sea.

When the Grid doesn't want their electricity, for example when its WINDY and WARM in summer they CHARGE compensation to the GRID but can get £220 per MWH.


Complain to Dave about this. Tell him to cut the ROCS and build proper power stations. Or does he just like to be plain sCameron?

We're not fooled.

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