Thursday 10 October 2013

Energy Price Hike - what should Dave do?

Now we are being hit, just when the winter begins. Last winter was bad enough I guess our bills went up by around 15% because of the cold.

On my bill there is approximately 15% that is Tax. 5% is VAT the rest is the Social Payment! That is what they pay to the Windfarm Gold Miners.

OBSCENE. Pensioners and people on beneits are Taxed to make greedy landowners ever RICHER. Robbing the poor to make the rich richer,

Have I mentioned the MILLIONS that the Windfarm owners GENERATE in income?


4 x Turbines producing 10MWh

Even at 30% efficiency over 25 years they GENERATE 
£61 million!!

Not to mention if they're in the wrong place and can't export their power the owners get even MORE in CONSTRAINT payments.

Appallingly obscene.

WE'RE Paying for this. Write to your MP to get it stopped.

Total MWh of Farm Percentage Efficiency Total annual MWh produced ROC price Wholesale Electricity price Total annual income 25year income
44 50
10 1 87600 £3,854,400.00 £4,380,000.00 £8,234,400.00 £205,860,000.00
10 0.5 43800 £1,927,200.00 £2,190,000.00 £4,117,200.00 £102,930,000.00
10 0.3 26280 £1,156,320.00 £1,314,000.00 £2,470,320.00 £61,758,000.00
2.6 0.3 6832.8 £300,643.20 £341,640.00 £642,283.20 £16,057,080.00

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