Tuesday 15 October 2013

Privatise the BBC

Why doe we run a publicly funded Entertainment Empire called the BBC?

The Government have just privatised the Royal Mail for £3.3.billion - what would the BBC be worth?

WE don't pay SKY anything, you're free to subscribe or not. Buy a newspaper or not, go to the Pub or not, smoke or not, its your choice your money but why does every household in the UK have to pay.

The TV Licence is £145.50

Roughly if there are 24million households in Britain and they all buy a licence (watch TV) that's an incredible £3.5billion pounds a year. Just about what the Government got for the Royal Mail. SO sell it off and give us all shares in it. No more TV Licence - let them make money like Sky and BT etc.

That's and end to wrangling in the Houses of Parliament of who got paid what etc.

No one is elected to run the BBC. I pay £120 a year to my local council in Council Tax - for this they empty my bins every week and more - that on its own is good value. What if all the council employees left all their lights and computers on 24 x 7 you'd be angry? YES! Yet the BBC every day I see the news and behind there is a room full on top notch computers and screens all left on with no one working there. The lights are blazing too - no dim withs there! Yet yes the BBC is just like your council WE ARE PAYING the bills! SCANDALOUS. but do They care - no because they're accountable to no one. If it was private it would be different the Board would insist that all teams were accounted for their costs or they'd be out.

I believe in Public Service Broadcasting but not at £3 billion. Some of the Overseas aid budget could be diverted into this perhaps.

They need to do something for the unfortunate folk who either won't or can't get on broadband, education by the BBC that could be paid out of the education budget. 

Surely in the 21st Century, especially in a financial crisis, when we're cutting Benefits,  we shouldn't be paying for Entertainment on our taxes?

Or maybe I'm wrong and its Opium for the masses? We don't want riots in the streets, let folk stay at home and watch Eastenders/ Coronations Street or X factor (oh dear the BBC doesn't do 2 out of 3 of those).

1 comment:

Monty Pines said...

Now that was spooky. Grant Shaps laid into the BBC yesterday. I under estimated how much money they get. £3.6 billion in fact. He also said the Licence fee was a TAX. How would any other organisation be able to raise so much tax purely for entertainment? It should be stopped. WE can't afford it. Privatise it.