Tuesday 3 December 2013

Hunger is Back

I agree that in the 7th richest nation we should not have poverty and hunger but I look at Jack's petition and wonder why the biggest epidemic we are facing is Obesity!

Why are people so FAT? Walk down any street and you see FAT people. You see ads on TV for slimming and endless programmes about FOOD. No wonder we're Fat.

Why do they advertise Alcohol so glamorously - it makes you cool, you drive fast cars (drive and drink?) live the fast life with pretty girls and flash friends all drinking, (responsibly of course). How dare they advertise Alcohol so? Its should be banned. 

Anyway back to poverty - why are we giving millions to other countries that can afford to send satellites into space when we have poor here and we are ,cutting benefits because the "country can't afford them?". Another of sCameron's conspiracies?

Yes - nearly 3000 Millionaire Bankers on their bloated bonuses!

HA! they don't live in the real world, a bit of poverty would do them good. After all WE rescued the Banks and its our money. Another case of this reverse Robin Hood Government - robbing the poor to give to the rich.

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