Thursday 3 April 2014

Childen's education - when should it start?

I agree in one sense the earlier and better we educate our children the better for society.
Its too late when children get to secondary school and they can't read and write properly. This is where the underachieving comes in. They get distracted and won't learn. Yes there are some gifted and dedicated teachers who can tap into these kids and get them motivated to at least learn the basics to function in society. Too often its too little and too late, They disrupt lessons for the others and then get excluded. They end up on the scrap heap unemployed often into drugs and crime.
To me get them early while they are manageable and EDUCATE them, the regards to society will be tenfold.

We'll get a much better progressing society. Politicians go on about social mobility but its not pushing them into the best schools or Universities if they haven't got it then it won't get them anywhere.

The majority should be able to learn the basics. If I'd left school at eleven I'd be Ok in society. I went on to be stretched (in a grammar school) to go to Uni and get a degree. In those days it was the minority and we got a grant. How "socially mobile"is that? No matter what your background or income you get the opportunity to go to uni.

Now its still Money that buys privilege and I mean MONEY. Look at the top politicians all Eton educated.

I agree it should be the parents who teach these things to their tots not schools responsibility but when we've let a couple of generations get away with  it , learning little, they don't know what to do. It IS up to society to educate the children - give it another generation and we'll turn it around.

Look at Asia/China they are doing it now. They educate their children rigorously and now they're the powerhouse of the world, EVERYTHING is Made in China. We don't make much anymore - soon we won't be able to afford. Made in China.

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