Sunday 22 June 2014

Who is EnergieKontor?

German companies come here and exploit our subsidies for "green" energy, which we don't need. They take the money and laugh at us.
Wind Power is NOT GREEN. Its an industrial mess designed to make clever European's rich!
Look at EnergieKontor. A Small company designed t exploit English planning laws to get rich quick.
They don't make anything they just get some gullible landowners to sign up to building Turbines os EnregiKontor can take the subsidies and move on to their next  scam, Who win> EnergieKontor.

Who loses? British Taxpayers.

Do you think the several people who work for EnergieKontor in Leeds live next to WindFarms? No, they get rich  exploiting landowners and the flabby Government rules that pay these folk for ruining our countryside.

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