Tuesday 10 June 2014

Energy prices up or down?

So now because apparently Wholesale Gas prices have halved this year and the campaign is to get the Energy Companies to cut their prices.

Actually I AM in favour of saving the planet. We need to cut down on energy use, that is the best way until FUSION power is here. It will be decades before we don't need to use Fossil fuels and its those that are contributing to the CO2. Reduce GAS prices we just use more! This is the argument for FRACKING - cheap energy. It just means more CO2 and so more Turbines to offset it!

WASTE OF TIME - cut down!!

Remember that 5% is VAT - good old HMG get more as prices rise!

To me this is unfair on the poorest. Often they are stuck with the highest tariffs so proportionately pay the highest TAX. The rich can shop around and when you're on a big wad Heating bills are insignificant!

Why TAX those on benefits?

I say CUT the VAT on all bills less than £2000 per year and scrap the GREEN levy. Taxing the poor to pay the rich is immoral.

Why all the Windfarms and Solar panels? Its Cos you get DOUBLE your money in subsidies!! HaHa!

Hasn't anyone noticed?

I despair.

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