Saturday 10 January 2015

Paris atrocities.

Max Hastings sums up neatly what I was thinking - "why?". "What are these so called Muslims fighting for?".

Apart from the failure of the Paris Police to let them escape in the first place, I ask can anyone explain exactly what these Radical Muslims think that they are fighting against?

Perhaps Max is right that we don't understand because who is the enemy? Its not another country with borders. Its an ideology and religion. Its not so long ago that we were persecuting fellow Christians for having a different way of worshipping. After 2000 years of Christianity we are only just coming to terms with it so how do we expect Muslims who are much younger to evolve into a similar state.

I well remember the IRA campaign in the 70's and 80's again we struggled to understand "why?" and treated them merely as criminals but that didn't stop them.

I don't know what the answer is but we MUST keep up the vigilance and find out potential attackers before they attack. They are anywhere and everywhere. Yes it will diminish our civil liberties but don't blame the authorities its the criminals and terrorists who are doing it. What is the alternative?

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