Wednesday 18 February 2015

Bankers have all the Power?

I watched Wolf Hall the other week and I thought that it was extremely funny that Cromwell threatened Harry Percy with Bankruptcy if he did not co-operate. No physical violence just that he was so in debt that Cromwell could make him a pariah by getting his Banker friends to stop his loans then he would have no one and no one would want to be his friend.

Funny how this is still true today.

How would ISIS function without money.

They get money from several sources, oil, and rich supporters who have oil, plus dealing in antiquities.

To me what is astonishingly scandalous is WHO handles this money for them? Surely they don't carry cash around in suitcases?

If we in the West could simply cut off their supply of money by breaking all internet links they have and confiscating/freezing the funds wherever they are and anyone else who is connected to them - thsat is these dealers in  these antiquities, the millionaires who buy them, the arms dealers etc. etc. 

Surely we could then stifle them out. NO FIGHTING necessary.

Come on Obama, Cameron, Merkel, UN, etc. etc. STOP IT, or does the dirty money go up even to these hallowed places?

Look at thes pictures showing ISIS parading in Libya in TOYOTA CARS. Lets all Boycott TOYOTA as a supporter of ISIS. They'd soon stop supplpying vehicles to terrorists if the rest of the world became a no sell zone!!

Come on Obama, Cameron, Merkel, UN, etc. etc. put sanctions on Japan/Toyota - see what happens?

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