Monday 9 February 2015

Big Samsung Brother is watching - you!

I think I have said before how many of George Orwell's visions, of a dystopian view of a totalitarian society dominated by media, are coming true!

Here is another example - the Visi-screen - yes now IT is watching us! Truly Big Brother?

Society dominated by media propaganda, wars raging, west versus east, then far east, middle east, North and south all images provided by media to an insatiable public. then there's the endless "voting" for this n that, (mainly "celebrity" non-entities) but Governments are next and does it change anything? no of course not. Then there's Civil Liberties, bit by bit the Police state is tightening the screws and Big Brother is watching, now even in our homes. Government knows where you are and what you've been/are doing in so many ways. Do you use a Credit/debit card - they know where you are. Of course Crime has to be countered - but is it real? Are the Wars real? Maybe as real "American Sniper" - hard to tell?
Pestilence - the Ebola outbreak in Africa - was that real? I've watched Dawn of the Planet of the Apes - far fetched? Disease wipes out most of mankind and spread from experiments in apes? Hmmmmm?

At least they can't stop what we think - can they?

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