Wednesday 25 March 2015

Why do you need a passport?

Why do you need a passport?

I am changing my job and my new employer wants to confirm that i am not an illegal alien, or asylum seeker, to do this they want to see my passport.

I haven't one. Why should I? I don'y want to leave the country, I din't want to pay £75 to have my picture in a little plum book so why?
Why is it assumed everyone has a passport. If you don';t have one it is very difficult to prove who you are and where you're from.


If HMG want a universal identity scheme then let them introduce one for everybody and pay for it out of taxes. I'm OK without a passport. I have a driving licence and had to renew that recently. Without a passport they need to take your picture agian but that's not too bad. For a passport now you have to travel to silly places and have an interview - BAH!

See this, if you are a truly British person it seems you can't PROVE it. Only foreigners would be expected to have these documents.

It is RIDICULOUS. what if you don't have a driving licence either? Then you truly are a non-person.

Saturday 21 March 2015


Lucy. Strange. think of 2001 Space odyssey. Carrie meets Resident Evil.
5* for me

Tuesday 10 March 2015

BBC advertises Apple

Why should the BBC give Apple - one of the biggest companies in the world free advertising?

Scandalous. I thought that they weren't allowed to advertise - is it in their Charter?

I wonder who's palm was greased?

BBC - not elected by us, takes £3.5 billion off us to do what it likes!


Councillors - what do they actually do?

Look at this the record speaks for itself. Gets elected and draws the "allowance" - I think its just "thumbing the nose" at the electors. What do you think?

The Government seems hell bent on stifling Councils of money. and I do ask, why do Councils run all these services like, emptying bins, social care and welfare, schools, child care, homelessness? Surely they are national services like the Job Centres etc, why shouldn't agencies run them on behalf of the Government. They can set the rules and guidelines like the Police and take them off Councils. they then can be left with a little money raised locally do to do "local" things for the Community. Councillors should be genuinely "Volunteers" and just get token expenses.
What do you think. As it stands they "run" these councils and are a bunch of Political amateurs who misappropriate and mismanage the millions that they have (much like the BBC and that's unelected).