Wednesday 15 April 2015

Electric Cars Are NOT GREEN

Electric Cars Are NOT GREEN

so, sales of electric/hybrid cars are picking up even though the subsidy is going and the price of fuel has come down.

but its not going to be good for the environment in the long term unless we get the technology right.

Why? - you ask.

Well, Physics says that the internal combustion engine is more efficient than generating electricity at a power station and "charging" your car with a wire.

As long as electricity is generated by fossil fuels its BAD for the environment and they are FINITE.

I won't explain the Physics but look at the 2nd law of thermodynamics and the Carnot Cycle.

What I want to see is 2 things

  1. Electricity generated by non-fossil fuels
  2. Charging done Wirelessly - then there is no range-anxiety

Ideally we could have an electric car powered by solar energy/and or hydrogen (water). The science exists to turn water in to Hydrogen and oxygen. Put the water in the car (free?), electricity converts the water to Hydrogen (oxygen is released) then when you want to move the Hydrogen is used to power the car - either electrically or by combustion - exhaust gas is Water.

This will work for town driving/commuting but it will be a long time before long distances can be covered by pure electric cars.

So what anyway?

Oh, the other thing - TAX.

What is HMG going to do without the Road Tax and fuel duty now no one buys fuel, or has a zero rated car?

Hmmm, yes you guessed they tax them another way, tax on electricity I bet or road charging.

Can't win!

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