Monday 13 April 2015

Bedroom Tax Loophole

this is it - what a simple way to get around the bedroom Tax.

Knock your bedroom walls down!!

Turn your 3 bed in to a 2 bed - SIMPLES.

Problem solved and bigger rooms.

We did it when I was a student. I remember sharing a bedroom. We put the wardrobes down the middle so effectively partitioning off the room.

What stupid sanction by HMG?

Fair enough - only pay so much "Rent" benefit depending on your needs but don't penalise people for having lived in a "X" bedroom [proerty if they have no choice.

This is unfair to expect the poorest to bail out the rest, for Government's mismanagement of the economy while they still et individual Bankers get their obscene large bonuses subsidised by you and me!

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