Saturday 8 October 2016

Should there be positive discrimination?

Why can't a white man play a black man in a film play? I think it's ridiculous to discriminate against white actors playing anything. It's not real after all! At the end of the day it's all objective. I don't watch soaps on TV, I don't like them but I wouldn't stop others. What I find objectionable others may like, so what.
Why are the "thought police" now destroying free speech in the name of political correctness. Soon we'll all be Winstons watched by Big Brother. I don't like this idea.
Gazza may have been offensive but was it not a private function? Anyone can say something offensive to someone else, it's not so much what word expression you use but the intention.
Let's all calm down and be broad minded before its too late and we are living in a totalitarian state. I feel discriminated against as a white,British,middle-class,person.

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