Tuesday 24 July 2012

Asking for a discount immoral?

How dare Mr Gauke criticise us ordinary folk for asking for a discount? Unlike MPs who can claim fat allowances, my family lives entirely on my hard earned wages AFTER Tax an NI are taken off!

Let me ask Mr Gauke, do MPs pay all their costs out of their salaries after they’ve paid  Tax  and NI? NO of course not they claim their  Tax free EXPENSES to pay the tradesmen (who put in their expensive fitted kitchens, bathrooms, bedrooms, houses etc, in their second homes in London) and they claim their Rent/mortgage.

So let me ask Mr Gauke, will he now be moral and pay  Tax on all his expenses he claims? I don’t think I’ll hold my breath for the answer.

Now here’s an idea for him IDS has put a cap on benefits at £26 (more than I earn ) so BENEFITS are income why do claimants not pay Income  Tax like the rest of us?

My family lives entirely on my hard earned wages AFTER  Tax an NI are taken off! So IDS why not  Tax benefits? If they don’t get enough they don’t pay  Tax .

Entirely fair I think.

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