Monday 23 July 2012

BBQ blues!

At last the BBQ summer is here.

Now I have one plea. You may say I'm OCD but this bugs me and I like things to be simple if I can see a simple way of doing something , if i can't do it it really infuriates me.

So you know those bags of charcoal, they are nicely eco friendly in paper bags done up with a nice "stitched" string across the top,

Now I know if you are lucky and get the right string to pull it just comes away like a dream. Get the wrong one and no chance you can pick and pull and snip away but it will never come off you have to RIP the damn bag and that makes me ANGRY, (and dirty).

Solution - there are three strings stitched together - why don't they make the right one to pull RED as opposed to the other two white. Then you know straight away which one to pull.

Please - BBQ charcoal bag makers can you do it for me. No more fighting and ripping bags getting dirty charcoal dust all over me and every where.

Thank you.

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