Wednesday 25 July 2012

Windmill Folly

Why all these windmills? I do believe the day will come when we all have solar panels on our roofs and perhaps a small wind turbine or two but these wind farms are stupid.

To meet the needs of the nation we'd need to cover the country and more.

They only make economic sense because of the government subsidy - STUPID!

If we'd spent half the money that's been spend on nuclear power since the 2nd World War, on research into alternative energy sources we'd be sorted - no problems with energy. BUT as it happens they need the nuclear for the Nuclear Weapons programme not Energy! So here we are.

What we need to do is get the Government NOT to  subsidise wind Power, give ordinary folks FREE insulation for their homes thus cutting use/bills. Get energy efficient appliances down in price and freely available (including alternatives to oil in cars).

There's no choice its not if the Oil runs out just When!

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