Tuesday 10 July 2012

Pensioners cough up to save economy

So Mr Boles thinks Pensioners should not be immune from the cuts and sacrifice their "benefits" to save the economy?

What planet is he on? Again we have these misguided millionaire MPs with no clue about the real world. You try living on £140 a week for 2 people Mr Boles and see what sacrifices you can make to save GB?

Basically if you've worked all your life, . Saved a bit paid into a pension then retired you at least expect to be able to "enjoy" life what it is. What is there else to look forward to if then HMG looks at your income and decides to slice some more off - remember I said "paid your Tax and NI". Since when do you have to pay twice? Surely its the millionaires who should be on double tax!! Just now you're lucky to get 3% interest on your money so to keep going they have to did into their savings - where will it end. Cameron etc wants us to work longer, pay more and then get less! Don't forget the MPs haven't sacrificed their gold plated pensions just yet.

Conversely those who don't work or save nowt, no pension, retire, what do they get taken off them - NOTHING. They get ALL the Benefits - that is just not FAIR.

Pensioners did NOT cause this crisis. Look at the Billionaire Bankers with their Billion pound bonuses. TAX them at 80% to get things sorted.

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