Sunday 7 October 2012

Tax on Children? - outrageous - is this China?

So now our wonderful Government is to put a Tax on children?

Well if you earn over £50k they want the Child Benefit back. Well relatively speaking if you earn over £50k the benefit is not important in your thinking if you want children or not. However looking at the other end. The hoy polloy, riff raff, plebs breed unfettered. Why should they care kids=money. The more you have more you benefits, get a house the state pays - whoopee.

WHat does this get us - a dystopian future where society is dominated by an underclass of no-hopers, breeding like rabbits supported by the elite who are diminishing rapidly because they refrain from procreating as it cramps their style and costs them loads of money. Yet  these are the ruling classes who set the rules. They seem to have a death wish?.

Really they should be setting the rules opposite. Stopping the plebs from breeding, thus saving billions in benefits and reducing the under class of inbreds thus strengthening the ruling elite. They can have their 2.4 children send them to good schools and thus keep the status quo surviving. Really we want more of them or what future do we have?

I know its true "inbreds" because I've seen it. Jane has a child by Jim, (Chloe) (teenagers not married), Jane and Jim get a house (council/association). Jane and Jim fall out. Jim has a new girlfriend. Jane now on her own with kid. Jane gets a boyfriend, John, gets pregnant. John moves in. Now Jane has another baby, Britney.

Jim shacks up with Sarah, Sarah has a baby, Wayne, Sarah and Jim fall out. Jim goes off with Chantelle.
Sarah meets Craig, has a baby Vicky.

Are you following - no, not surprised.

12 years or so later after several scenarios above. Wayne meets Britney and makes her pregnant. They are half brother sister!

Craig meets Chloe (now she's 16) makes her pregnant, oh forgot to say Jane was also seeing Craig whilst married to Jim. She wasn't sure who's Chloe's father but thinks it was Craig (she was stoned at the time and had sex with another man that night). On the birth certificate Jim is the father

So it goes on. If Jim was Chloe's father its incest!

It is more complicated in real life this is the simple version.

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