Wednesday 17 October 2012

pensions 4 everyone 2

I said it on 2nd Oct:-

Lets just hope G Osborne  and D Cameron  sort out the mess over charges and how you "take your pension" with you. 

At the  end of the day unless its a very good company scheme only the Bankers win - AGAIN

Didn't I say it and now the Daily Mail agrees with me.

The Government MUST regulate these pension schemes and stop the Bankers from getting rich quick on poor people. They are gambling with peoples only hope for the future. They take their whole lives to save any sort of pension, these bankers make that much bonus in 1 year! There must be certainty in pensions and a guarantee that you can take it with you without loss if you move jobs.

Now in a letter to the Daily Telegraph these organisations agree with ME, the National Association of Pension Funds (NAPF), the TUC, charity Age UK and the consumers' association Which?.

So you heard it first from Monty.

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