Monday 29 October 2012

Scrap Child Benefit?

All this fuss over Child Benefit? Why should folk on over £50k get ANY benefits? Come to that surely only the poorest should get any benefits.  We  seem to have unlimited benefits in this country, why? Surely we shouldn't just keep paying out for unlimited children?
child Benefit
My answer? Limit child Benefit to the first 3 children. We do need children for society to develop. After all as we get older and retire who do you think works and generates the wealth to keep us in our old age?

Conversely why should people get used to living on handouts? If the Government is paying you to live then just like those who work to live - ALL INCOME SHOULD BE TAXED!

So if you're on a low income you pay less or no tax. The more you get the more you pay in TAX. Seems fair?
What makes me cross is where has the commitment to help married couples? If only one works then he/she should share their Tax allowances since its a JOINT income. One person not working allows someone else to have a job opportunity instead of everyone working putting kids in care.Better to have mum or dad looking after them?

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