Tuesday 9 October 2012

Hamza out! his brood live on state still

Yes at long last we've got rid of Abu Hamza! but I wondered how long it would be before it was realised that we're still supporting his brood at the States expense.

Justice has at last prevailed and the man who claims to detest this country protested fo 8 years that it was unfair to make him leave. All the while his family lived at our expense in a "luxury" home.

I support the Government in its effort to end the "something for nothing culture" - but where these folk are British through and through it does seem crassly unfair that we bend over backwards to support blatant foreign criminals who have come here for shelter and handouts and abuse our hospitality

If refugees are convicted of a criminal offence in this country boot them out immediately, and make their families follow them.

I would still rather fund jobless young people born and bred here than criminals. WE need to give them jobs. What about making benefits conditional on doing some community/voluntary work?

It seems crazy that if you're unemployed and "seeking work" you are NOT allowed to help out in you "free" time doing charity work for NOTHING, because you're not "available for work"! Of course you'd stop immediately and attend an interview and get a job.

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