Thursday 8 November 2012

Energy Prices UP - Interest rates for Savers DOWN

So what are we to do? they're all as bad. Energy companies all put their prices up - all Banks put their interest rates down.

Remember on Energy prices (Gas and Electricity, and home fuels) out Government takes 5% VAT and about 7% in the GREEN levy. Green - what they mean is give it to energy companies - as if they don't have enough of our money anyway - to build Wind Turbines which are Useless. If the Wind doesn't blow what do we do? shut off out TV and computers and go to bed?

Did you know 1 small gas fired power station is equivalent to 5000 Wind Turbines - YES 5000. So how many turbines would it take to power the country? I think we'd need one per person and then we have to have Gale Force winds to get the power (oh I forgot they don't generate in Gales either).

I wrote to my MP about the VAT on home fuel, he sent it on to the Minister who replied (after 2 months) with baloney about Duty on Petrol and Diesel. So it proves they haven't a clue what they're talking about.

I've said before - VAT on home fuel is the most unfair Tax hitting the poorest hardest. You can't avoid paying it, even if you try to economise usually you're on the most expensive tariff because they discount it the more you use, so the rich folk get fuel cheaper. Isn't this always the way? Millionaires don't pay 45% tax, they get accountants to come up with ways to avoid paying. 

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