Tuesday 6 November 2012

Rehouse folk on Benefits to the "North"?

Local authorities say sky-high rental costs in the capital, combined with the incoming benefits cap has forced them to send people miles away from home.

So send folk Up North where housing is available and cheap?

What is wrong with this? There are different ways to look at it.

If you've no job, no chance of getting a job what is wrong with living anywhere, there is nothing tying you down. If you're homeless then a house in Newcastle surely is preferable to the street in London - it isn't really paved with gold! 

If the housing is available and no local folk are waiting then I see nothing wrong in this. In fact why not build more houses "up north", it'll boost the economy. Building houses then people on beneits have to ive. They buy food, clothes, kids go to school, use the buses, pubs, etc. etc. 

Now I'd much rather live in a cottage in the country to any city. Give me the Yorkshire Dales, Cotswolds, Norfolk, if some one gave me a house and paid me to live there - I'd be mad not to take it up. So what's wrong?

Look, for example there are 7000+ people on the housing list for East Lindsey and most of those live elsewhere now, Sheffield, Nottingham etc. They don't work either but they want to live in East Lindsey so they like the idea. Its just tere aren't enough houses and who is going to build them? Also there are plenty of local folk waiting for houses but do they get first choice? not always it depends on the rules. Now I don't think that's fair.

Those London Centric folk don't care what goes on North of the M25. So they'l send all their dross away up North to stop them spoiling their neighbourhood. This can't be right but then they had the Olympics in London. Not Manchester or Leeds, but LONDON! SO billions get spent in London - does this help Newcastle? You get my drift.

I LIVE IN THE NORTH! so what is wrong with moving these folk up North? IF, and it is IF they want to move, and IF the homes are available (that is no one local waiting).

More people up North means more investment necessary.

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