Tuesday 8 January 2013

Tax Breaks for Married Couples at last

Hoorah, at last David Cameron is swayed to give in and Honour his election promise and give a tax break to married couples.

I know David wants Gay Marriage above all else, and I'm not against it but surely he must make it worthwhile. The new "Marriage" tax breaks will have to apply to all civil partnerships, and why not.

If David is promoting "Marriage" that must be good for traditional Marriage as well. Lets be clear here - the Government IS PROMOTING MARRIAGE. So show your support and give Tax Breaks.

No more pussy footing around saying "we can't discriminate against non-married couples. It s their right to choose" - why not?

If they choose to get married then they get the incentive. If their relationship is as sound as a married one - prove it.

All the research show that children do best in families where the couples are married. In Britain we are nearly bottom in the league table for children splitting up from their parents, why. Because our parents do not value a stable family life. Yes its not easy but society demands that families are the best way to bring up children. Why do folk cop out at the first hurdle. If they're not married its a doddle.

Being married confers more that Tax breaks its a commitment to share things. Why should non-married couples have the same rights.

No we must promote marriage.

Yet they are hurting couples with children by taking child allowance away. 

My solution TAX all BENEFITS. Its income, but you don't work for it. Yes they'll use thier tax allowance that's only fair and if its a married couple then they can use this tax Break. Higher earners pay more tax.

Oh, last thing, restict Child Benefit to 5 children. There can be no "meal ticket" for having children. Tough.

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