Tuesday 9 April 2013

Last Word on Margaret Thatcher

Sad news that she's passed away. RIP Maggie.

Whatever you think she was our one and only Woman Prime Minister. Whether you agree with her politics or not she did stick to her guns which is more that sCameron does. (Does he belive in anything?).

Remember when she came to power Britain was a basket case. We were worse that Greece/Ireland/Cyprus are now. We need a bailout from th eIMF to keep going. No wonder things were dire. Drastic actions was called for, curb the power of the unions, and cut out waste. We couldn't afford to subsidise all those nationalised industries like coal and rail.

Then it was a courtesy of Labour's legacy. Now they've done it again. Blair and co have left us Bankrupt again, we need a Thatcher to rescue us again.

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