Wednesday 17 April 2013

Thatcher Protests - real or hyped by media?

So are all these so called protesters causing mayhem in London's streets really so
Anti-Thatcher? I think not.
Look at the protesters at Thatcher’s funeral, and around the country. Most of them either weren’t  born in the 80's or were too young to care what was happening. SO what is it? What are they up to – I’ll tell you.

I think we are seeing an element of society we have nothing to lose - are they on benefits? - or are seeking alternative thrills? I believe it is orchestrated by new technology,  face book, twitter an other web sites/apps giving these people an alternative Cyber persona that revels in "nastiness and hooliganism", they orchestrate these gatherings to cause mayhem as a an alternative to Saturday nights in the pub. Have you noticed the change in people where the new way of complimenting people is an insult? can you tell which it is friendly or a real hurtful insult? Calling names and wounding.
The riots last year were helped by cyber media - Facebook, twitter and other web sites, texting using apps. We have a generation who revel in this sort of thing and society need to catch up with these changes.
What about the trouble in Newcastle after the match. Why do  these people revel in violence.
In George Orwell’s 1984 they have the thought-police who intervene when people are veering away from towing the society/Government line - this will come to us - where
Government will monitor your cyber space persona for bad behaviour and intervene to prevent trouble, It will  come as a reaction to these recent events. Its not Big Brother, (Orwell not CHannel 5),  well yes it is but as a result of trying to maintain order. Don' t blame government its elements of society at extremes who are pushing the boundaries and changing  things forever for the rest of us. what do we want violence or peace. It comes at a price thought - less freedom. Look where we are now - all internet traffic is monitored, the Government want to look at all your emails and text messages - good luck to them I say when over half what I get is SPAM anyway! but then were on camera nearly everywhere.
People want it for "safety" but now with face recognition software you can be tracked.
Your mobile can be tracked - even better with GPRS signal, then there's cars, caught on speed cameras or Number plate recognition, the Congestion charge (CCTV again) using your credit card every EPOS machine/cash machine knows where you are and what you spent. So it goes on.
But at the end is it stopping crime? Think of 9:11, July 7th or Monday  in Boston. Do the authorities act soon enough on intelligence. Not enopugh resources that's why they turn to Cyber space.I think the screws are definitely tightening - but maybe they have to?

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