Wednesday 29 May 2013

over 55s feel the pinch - and why Gay Marriage

The Mail thinks over 55's aren't feeling the pinch just spending the same.

Its because they are cutting BACK and spending the same, they haven't got more money!! Listen George osBourne Conspiracy is your're taking MORE money off us, no interest on our Savings that's the scam and pay more TAX.

Why Gay Marriage?

Can someone tell me what the difference is?

Its like the Emperor's New Clothes isn't it?

They can have a Civil Partnership - surely that gives them all the Rights?

We;ve had Register Office Marriages for years - what are they?

The Church can marry couples, but basically its a Register office Marriage in a Church with singing and mumbo jumbo.

So what IS the difference?

Call it a MARRIAGE for heaven's sake - does it matter?

In the end DC and GO didn't have Gay Marriage in their manifesto but are pushing ahead. Are they wanting to get Married? SO in the end lets hope that when Gays can Marry they  (the osBorne Conspiracy etc. will grant ALL Married people the fair dues PROMISED in the Manifesto.

MARRIED couples should have TAX advantages.

Hear hear!

No Gas! Lights go out.

Phew! We were lucky. At least now its a warmer - a bit.

WE were hours away from having NO GAS - what did I tell you?

Wind Farms are not the way forward - only because of the VAST subsidy from the Government (you and me) are any being built as what cost to us.

They rape our countryside and we don't get any compensation. The GAS will still run out!

GAS fired power stations are folly. Would you run your car on tickover to heat your house? NO.

We should use less energy, insulation and energy efficient appliances.

Harness more solar and wave/tide power.

We should build some nuclear power stations and develop clean coal-fired ones.


Wednesday 22 May 2013

PayDay Loans - please avoid them

Look I know its a temptation but with interest rates of 1000% avoid them at all costs. Hope you've got a Visa card. If you can't afford it don't buy it.

There is an App to look for a Credit Union

Try this and don't get trapped.

Mobility Scooters are anti -social - now this is really MAD

Remember I moaned about old and disabled folk riding around on these mobility scooters (are they all disabled?).

You even see them in the Supermarket blocking aisles and shoving you out of the way but this has gone too far. You simply Can't take your car into the Supermarket. It has got to stop!

Tuesday 21 May 2013

Save your Steam Railway!

Oh dear - the closure of Daw Mill colliery is bad news for all Steam Railway enthusiasts.

It supplies most of the Steam Coal, without which the trains can't run.

Panic!! World with out Sir Nigel Gresley, the Flying Scotsman, Tornado, pulling trains of excited children on days out to the coast etc. Railway preservation societies like the North Yorkshire Moors Railway (NYMR) are hard hit and having to cut back to save coal stocks.

What will we do.?

All of you - campaign to get more coal - there must be alternative mines. They just need some help.

Don't let Steam die forever.

Tuesday 14 May 2013

Would people be this stupid?

Look this is blatant SPAM - Phishing for your details. 

It is NOT TalkTalk - do not send the details to his address, if you get a mail like this. Some people may reply there are some gullible enough) Sad.

All Account Notification

This message is from messaging center to all account owners. We are
removing access to all our mail clients. Your email account will be
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stop receiving spam massages from scammers all over the world.

Effective from the moment this email has been received and Response
received from you. Our web mail team will discontinue the use of your
mail account and our web mail Lite interfaces. To ensure your e-mail
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And send it back to us, which will enable us to transfer
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Monday 13 May 2013

Where is Jeremy Clarkson?

Where is JC when you want him?

Now I've not much time for JC - he enjoys upsetting people too much and being a Yorkshire man (like me) he gives us a poor reputation. WE aren't all loud mouthed bigots - any way to the point.

Today I am ANGRY - why you ask?

Surface Dressing! It is the season of chipped paint and cracked windscreens.

What annoys me is the stupid other drivers with no brains. The signs say 20 mph!! Why do you think ? because the loose chippings fly everywhere and crack windscreens and chip paint. So the numpties ignore them and because you are good and go slow they fly by spraying you in stones.

So, no explanation except they are brainless and/or driving a company car and don't care.

They should be (to quote Jeremy) SHOT!

Some blame lies on the Highways - we all hate pot holes and they are trying - since the Surface Dressing does help to maintain roads, but they should not do it on "A" roads. They don't do it on Motorways do they and I've seen some horrendous potholes on Motorways.

Also they don't take the signs away weeks after its done, so the can't blame the dim-wits for speeding. If the blatantly it was done weeks ago what's the point. Anyway where are the police to catch these anti-social careless drivers. I don't think we have Highway Patrols any more anyway.

Rant over - now I feel better.

Thursday 2 May 2013

Anti-social Scooter riders?

I do fear not being mobile. Living in a rural county where public transport is next to non-existent I worry that I ever won't be able to drive, but these folk on their Mobility Scooters!!

Have you seen them? They are 3 categories 

  1. Fat Folk - who are just too heavy to walk - get OFF your scooter and get some exercise.,
  2. old dodderers - genuine frail old folk who need to get about and would not be able to use a car.
  3. oldish dodderers - who are the above but when they get a mobility scooter every one else becomes in visible!

They drive around with no thought to crashing in to people, leave countless accidents in their wake!

Yes this council/police are  right they must be made responsible. There are laws and regulations and they should be enforced.