Tuesday 4 June 2013

Underage sex - the perpetrators are Paedophiles

So at last someone has been actually prosecuted for having sex with a girl under 16.

It has always puzzled me that sex under age is illegal but yet there ar so many girls under 16 having babies. Is the father ever prosecuted? Not usually. Yet if he's over 18 and technically an adult then sex with an under 16 is having sex with a child.

Why do these men not get jailed as paedophile?

I admit that if the girl is 15 and the boy is 16 accidents can happen we've all been there?

So what I'm saying is that we should have zero tolerance of this behaviour its just the thin end of the wedge. Where would you stop.

Imagine a teacher of 35 has sex with a pupil 15 - is he a paedophile? Certainly he's broken the law and should be rightly punished. He is in a position of trust, loco parentis. My argument is if you're an adult and you have sex with a child under 16 its illegal.

Maybe if there were more prosecutions the message would get across?

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