Thursday 25 July 2013

Don Quixote fought Windmills - we mus Fight the Monsters Wind Turbines.

Look I'd have a Wind Turbine in ~My Garden if I could afford the £1.5million to build one. After all its not about Electricity is reaping the rewards from the Government.

Its like winning the Lottery - you could live off the interest for life (well next 25 years).

Its a complete SHAM. Wind Turbines will never solve our Energy crisis or save the planet.

Facts - (see Godfrey Blooms paper on How to Fight Wind Farms)

((I might not agree with his politics but he's spot on with this)

Why aren't folk clamouring to stop the ROCs and the Constraint payments? Its worse than Bankers Bonuses or the Bedroom Tax.


1 x 2.6MW turbine at 30% efficiency will generate over £650000 in one year, or over 25 years £16m. Not to mention the price rises or constraint payments.

However, with regards to CO2

The government estimates that 9.2 million tons of carbon were saved by wind turbines in 2010. That sounds like a lot, but it represents just 0.03% of global emissions. The UK emits 2% of global emissions. Even if the UK emitted no carbon whatsoever, it would make no difference to climate change at all. Wind energy has virtually no chance of making a meaningful contribution to ‘saving the planet’.

Powering every home in the UK with wind farms of equivalent power as the Dun Law wind farm would require 1,788 wind farms and a total of 46,428 wind turbines. That’s one wind turbine every 5 square kilometres, across the entire UK.

What we need to do really is switch to energy saving devices, waste less, use LESS, travel LESS, Work From Home. Now STOP FRACKING. Yes its cheap energy but just creates more CO"=2 - do we really want to KILL our planet?

You decide.

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