Monday 1 July 2013

Bedroom Tax? I don't get it.

So surprise surprise the "Bedroom Tax" is driving people to small houses and big ones are remaining empty.

Where are all these families that need big houses? It doesn't seem to affect the likes of Mrs Abu Quatada does it. Still living in her mansion in London at the Taxpayers expense? Move her up North - plenty of big houses here and they're much cheaper.

SO how does it work, is it like the Window Tax? That didn't last did it. 
Why don't people share big houses? I shared a house for 3 years when I was a Student. Ever watched Friends? Don't they share? 

But seriously isn't it a Human Right to have a spare bedroom? Surely that should be the limit 
occupants+1 spare room should be paid for by law.

I agree we can't go on funding endless folk living in bigger and bigger houses on benefits. Any way who said that everyone has a Human right to their own house, even if they have no money or job?

Comments please.

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