Wednesday 30 April 2014

Amanda Knox - OJ Simpson for the 21st Century?

Funny thing about the Amanda Knox trial and retrial etc. - does anyone think she's really innocent?

Yes she's protested at the verdict - she doesn't want to go to jail, she's making money out of it.

Remember OJ Simpson? He virtually admitted it they just couldn't prove it - very good lawyers!

Has anyone actual heard Amanda say "I didn't do it"?

Don't forget the victim and her family, Meredith Kercher. The pain just goes on and on, come on Amanda do the decent thing. Tell the truth.

Tuesday 29 April 2014

Sunday 27 April 2014

Dog Pooh

now i hate dog mess around as much as anyone . perhaps more as i'm a dog owner. it gives us responsible owners a bad name.
Worse is out and about idiots bag the pooh and leave it there . In the long run the plastic bag is worse for the environment . If You're in the country best thing is simply with a stick move the pooh into the undergrowth . It Will decay harmlessly there. No one Will see it or tread in it. My dog for his own reason likes to pooh in the nettles etc. Not on short grass. I hate those who ignore their dogs and leave its mess anywhere! As i say its these thoughtless owners who spoil it for the rest. They don't have to bag it, just flick it.

Thursday 24 April 2014


heard our first cuckoo of the year on the moor above Osmotherly, North Yorkshire. Is summer on its way? I hope so.

Tuesday 22 April 2014


no idea what's going on on the World. Except Korean ship disaster . if 200+ missing i guess they're drowned? how devastating for a community, remember Aberfan ? terrible, so sad.

Sunday 13 April 2014

Is Claudia Intelligent?

Amanda Platell seems to think Claudia is intelligent. What has she done other than stand in on a few Strictly shows when Brucie is off.

How dare they consider her as a replacement for Sir Bruce? She has all the charisma of Mr Dead. Surely after what she said she should spend more time with her family.She has no dress sense she looks like she's dressed as an afterthought - she could make an effort?

I vote for John Barrowman.

OK BBC kill off Strictly. In the end please let this Government see sense and save us all the £145 a year and PRIVATISE the BBC1

Who cares?

No 2 Asserby Windfarm

Get ready for the Planning Application to go i. If you want to be notified make a comment on th eELDC Website Planning, scoping application. They will then write to you.
I ask, I make it clear to everyone, go to the ELDC Website, that if they would like to be notified when the application for the Asserby Windfarm is made, logon to the ELDC Website, register to "comment on planning" then go to the EnergieKontor and Whitehouse Farm applications (or email Michelle - You must make a "Comment". I exhort everyone to comment.
Go to Planning search "Asserby"
White House Farm is Ref.
The BIG Asserby One is

Sunday 6 April 2014

No More Brucie?

So Sir Bruce is leaving Strictly. Very sad, Strictly Come Dancing will never be the same without him.

Worse though please do NOT let Claudia Winkleman take over. She's not an entertainer. I'd rather watch paint dry.

If she does then this household will never watch it again.

I actually think the BBC wants to take it off. Heaven knows why when it consistently outrates the opposition but then since when has the BBC been logical.

PRIVATISE the BBC. We souldn't be forced to pay £145 +  a year to view entertainment. Its ridiculous

Think what the Government could do with £32 billion pounds - find a cure for Alzhemers perhaps.

John Barrowman for Strictly

Thursday 3 April 2014

Childen's education - when should it start?

I agree in one sense the earlier and better we educate our children the better for society.
Its too late when children get to secondary school and they can't read and write properly. This is where the underachieving comes in. They get distracted and won't learn. Yes there are some gifted and dedicated teachers who can tap into these kids and get them motivated to at least learn the basics to function in society. Too often its too little and too late, They disrupt lessons for the others and then get excluded. They end up on the scrap heap unemployed often into drugs and crime.
To me get them early while they are manageable and EDUCATE them, the regards to society will be tenfold.

We'll get a much better progressing society. Politicians go on about social mobility but its not pushing them into the best schools or Universities if they haven't got it then it won't get them anywhere.

The majority should be able to learn the basics. If I'd left school at eleven I'd be Ok in society. I went on to be stretched (in a grammar school) to go to Uni and get a degree. In those days it was the minority and we got a grant. How "socially mobile"is that? No matter what your background or income you get the opportunity to go to uni.

Now its still Money that buys privilege and I mean MONEY. Look at the top politicians all Eton educated.

I agree it should be the parents who teach these things to their tots not schools responsibility but when we've let a couple of generations get away with  it , learning little, they don't know what to do. It IS up to society to educate the children - give it another generation and we'll turn it around.

Look at Asia/China they are doing it now. They educate their children rigorously and now they're the powerhouse of the world, EVERYTHING is Made in China. We don't make much anymore - soon we won't be able to afford. Made in China.

Mablethorpe 1, Louth 0

So Mabo to get a decent supermarket. Louth is still resisting. Nothing gets built in Mabo so this is a big WIN! Its also Louth's loss. Sure it will attract in people from Louth and far and wide to Mabo. They may even spend some time (and Money) in theTown. We'll see.