Thursday 25 June 2015

Why can't Electric cars be Solar powered and run on Water?

I've said it before Electric Cars AREN'T GREEN.

Read up on Carnot's Cycle. Where does most of the electricity come from?

BUT, if they could run on Water? Use solar powered cells to create Hydrogen then use it in Fuel Cells to Generate Electricity - BINGO - clean Solar powered Electric cars.

Tuesday 16 June 2015

BBC Sell it off - they sold the PO

BBC - sell it OFF!

£5 billion in tax and none of them are elected or accountable. Your council gets cut to the bone yet BBC can carry on regardless - its a SCANDAL.

Why ENTERTAINMENT paid for by TAX ?

Surely big business should be sactioned for supporting terrorists?

Look at the gleaming array of super Toyotas in this ISIS propaganda. Will Toyota be sanctioned and maybe even Japan. I think in the end Multi National companies not Governments are behind Terrorism, its MONEY that talks, what was the Iraq war about? - OIL? Afganistan? - drugs - and hte Governments still lost.

Tuesday 9 June 2015

Electric cars are NOT green

This is what I want to see, Hydrogen Cars,  but not pumping Hydrogen in, making electricity from water via solar power!

Surely a "Fuel Cell" that does this can be made?

Crazy - now conventional Electric cars are "rocketing" ! well maybe they would if they ran on ROCKET fuel!
Look  they get £5k from HMG (US!) but they're not cheap, even the lowly "VW i-up" (if were a Yorkshire car it would be the "aye-up" - I digress), is £25k! Who can afford these cars? yep RICH folk so why should they get £5k subsidy for a ridiculous car that only does <100 miles.="">
Crazy. Just Like Wind Turbines - Robin Hood -in-reverse - taking from poor folk (US) and giving to the rich!