Tuesday 9 June 2015

Electric cars are NOT green

This is what I want to see, Hydrogen Cars,  but not pumping Hydrogen in, making electricity from water via solar power!

Surely a "Fuel Cell" that does this can be made?

Crazy - now conventional Electric cars are "rocketing" ! well maybe they would if they ran on ROCKET fuel!
Look  they get £5k from HMG (US!) but they're not cheap, even the lowly "VW i-up" (if were a Yorkshire car it would be the "aye-up" - I digress), is £25k! Who can afford these cars? yep RICH folk so why should they get £5k subsidy for a ridiculous car that only does <100 miles.="">
Crazy. Just Like Wind Turbines - Robin Hood -in-reverse - taking from poor folk (US) and giving to the rich!

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