Sunday 29 January 2017

Internet is harming our children

Dr MAX is right about pornography and its  insidious effect on children. He doesn't go far enough. Internet pornography and computer games have a permanent effect on children. Looking at these images directly affects these young brains.
The eye is connected to the brain so watching these images crucially affects growing brains irreversibly forever. We must be very careful about what they watch at their tender age.

Tuesday 24 January 2017

Subsidise home energy not multi-nationals

A fraction of the Nuclear subsidy could be given back to encourage folk to put solar panels on their homes to save money on their bills. The energy companies don't like it but its still pennies compared to CONSTRAINT payments that Wind Farms get to NOT generate electricity. When it’s too windy we can't use all the power so they are guaranteed a refund for actually NOT being able to sell their electricity. Now that is true Alice in Wonderland economics.

Saturday 21 January 2017

Wipe ISIS out?

We seem to be obsessed and terrified by terrorism but I ask, how many people a year are killed by terrorists? Donald Trump wants to eliminate ISIS. In reality terrorists don't kill as many as are killed by DRUGS. Why aren't we at war with the countries who produce drugs? Over 3000 recorded drug related deaths in 2025 and who knows what misery and crime is drug related? So why aren't our Governments fighting this with all their effort. We should be at WAR with the purveyors of drugs, the countries that supply the drugs. Yes, I suppose they don't condone it but say Columbia is where heroin etc originates for one. What about border police/ customs stopping it coming in?

Friday 6 January 2017

Housing crisis solved?

I think that given the extortionate price of property in London and  the south there was an obvious solution.
Anyone who has used a modern touring touring caravan knows how packed they are with all the mod cons for a couple in space barely 2x5metres. So why not use this technology to create affordable homes for homeless and single people or couples who want a compact home and spend a lot of time ofut?
You could build these in buildings like rooms in a hotel. Door inside in a corridor and a window out side where the front of the "van" would be. £20k each!

Wednesday 4 January 2017

A rubbish Christmas

Yes, loads a rubbish after Christmas, so? We should make manufacturers use eco recycling friendly packaging then it would vastly cut down on rubbish