Monday 30 July 2012

Olympic overkill

Look, I know the Olympics is great (see my last post), but with almost 24hr coverage on 24channels on the TV can I ask why does BBC News have to show it too?
I turn over to BBC News to see NEWS - not the Olympics. I can get my Olympics fix on 24 other channels not least BBC1, even there when the News comes on its 29minutes of 30minute news about , yes, the Olympics.

Please BBC - make the BBC News channel and Olympic Free Zone unless we actually win a GOLD!

Sunday 29 July 2012

Olympic Extravaganza, London 2012

Well Danny Boyle produced a magnificent extravaganza, very surreal. Not sure what the rest of the world will think but visually stunning.

I like the Queens' cameo, her little cheesy grin made it all worthwhile and I have never seen her moved before at the National Anthem. She IS human after all.

God save the Queen!

All that was missing was the giant inflatable pig flying over the stadium, took me back. Danny Boyle must be a Pink Floyd fan.

Well done. He's a northerner you know, just a shame he's from "over t'ill".

Friday 27 July 2012

Olympic 2012

So here it begins the Olympics 2012.
once in a lifetime for the British. Good luck team GB

Thursday 26 July 2012

British Gas Obscene Profits

So Mr Gauke what do you say to a company like BG that can make obscene multi million pound profits at the expense of ordinary citizens many who have so low incomes they pay NO Tax?

On top of this what ever British Gas charges the Government takes 5% VAT plus the Green Tax?
How is this morally justified taxing the poorest. With average bills topping £1500 per year that makes the Governments cut over £105 from people who can least afford it! no wonder if you can get a discount for Tax or not paying some tax you can understand why.

Wednesday 25 July 2012

Windmill Folly

Why all these windmills? I do believe the day will come when we all have solar panels on our roofs and perhaps a small wind turbine or two but these wind farms are stupid.

To meet the needs of the nation we'd need to cover the country and more.

They only make economic sense because of the government subsidy - STUPID!

If we'd spent half the money that's been spend on nuclear power since the 2nd World War, on research into alternative energy sources we'd be sorted - no problems with energy. BUT as it happens they need the nuclear for the Nuclear Weapons programme not Energy! So here we are.

What we need to do is get the Government NOT to  subsidise wind Power, give ordinary folks FREE insulation for their homes thus cutting use/bills. Get energy efficient appliances down in price and freely available (including alternatives to oil in cars).

There's no choice its not if the Oil runs out just When!

Tuesday 24 July 2012

Asking for a discount immoral?

How dare Mr Gauke criticise us ordinary folk for asking for a discount? Unlike MPs who can claim fat allowances, my family lives entirely on my hard earned wages AFTER Tax an NI are taken off!

Let me ask Mr Gauke, do MPs pay all their costs out of their salaries after they’ve paid  Tax  and NI? NO of course not they claim their  Tax free EXPENSES to pay the tradesmen (who put in their expensive fitted kitchens, bathrooms, bedrooms, houses etc, in their second homes in London) and they claim their Rent/mortgage.

So let me ask Mr Gauke, will he now be moral and pay  Tax on all his expenses he claims? I don’t think I’ll hold my breath for the answer.

Now here’s an idea for him IDS has put a cap on benefits at £26 (more than I earn ) so BENEFITS are income why do claimants not pay Income  Tax like the rest of us?

My family lives entirely on my hard earned wages AFTER  Tax an NI are taken off! So IDS why not  Tax benefits? If they don’t get enough they don’t pay  Tax .

Entirely fair I think.

Monday 23 July 2012

BBQ blues!

At last the BBQ summer is here.

Now I have one plea. You may say I'm OCD but this bugs me and I like things to be simple if I can see a simple way of doing something , if i can't do it it really infuriates me.

So you know those bags of charcoal, they are nicely eco friendly in paper bags done up with a nice "stitched" string across the top,

Now I know if you are lucky and get the right string to pull it just comes away like a dream. Get the wrong one and no chance you can pick and pull and snip away but it will never come off you have to RIP the damn bag and that makes me ANGRY, (and dirty).

Solution - there are three strings stitched together - why don't they make the right one to pull RED as opposed to the other two white. Then you know straight away which one to pull.

Please - BBQ charcoal bag makers can you do it for me. No more fighting and ripping bags getting dirty charcoal dust all over me and every where.

Thank you.

Tuesday 10 July 2012

Pensioners cough up to save economy

So Mr Boles thinks Pensioners should not be immune from the cuts and sacrifice their "benefits" to save the economy?

What planet is he on? Again we have these misguided millionaire MPs with no clue about the real world. You try living on £140 a week for 2 people Mr Boles and see what sacrifices you can make to save GB?

Basically if you've worked all your life, . Saved a bit paid into a pension then retired you at least expect to be able to "enjoy" life what it is. What is there else to look forward to if then HMG looks at your income and decides to slice some more off - remember I said "paid your Tax and NI". Since when do you have to pay twice? Surely its the millionaires who should be on double tax!! Just now you're lucky to get 3% interest on your money so to keep going they have to did into their savings - where will it end. Cameron etc wants us to work longer, pay more and then get less! Don't forget the MPs haven't sacrificed their gold plated pensions just yet.

Conversely those who don't work or save nowt, no pension, retire, what do they get taken off them - NOTHING. They get ALL the Benefits - that is just not FAIR.

Pensioners did NOT cause this crisis. Look at the Billionaire Bankers with their Billion pound bonuses. TAX them at 80% to get things sorted.

Sunday 8 July 2012

the Price of milk

So some Milk distributors are to cut the price they pay to farmers of their milk. The farmers say it is below cost.
2 things.

  1. if its below cost then they'll just stopped producing it. Grow wheat instead.
  2. personally I'd pay more happily!
On 2, what I mean is our supermarket does 2litres of milk for £1 - great. Rather than the farmers "starve" I'd happily pay £1.10 for 2 litres providing that the extra 5p a litre went to the farmers. If we all did this it would solve the problem?

Finally, just tell me why our corner local shop charges £1.60 for a 2litre milk? (where does the extra 60p go?).

Friday 6 July 2012

Women Bishops

So, should the CofE allow women bishops?

Let me ask, in the 21st Century why should women NOT be bishops? What exactly is the reason why a woman cannot be a Bishop?

We think that forcing a woman to wear a Burka is morally wrong, so what is or reason for denying a woman's rights to be a bishop.


Tuesday 3 July 2012

How to live longer?

So we must eat less to live longer - no surprise.

I was brought up in the 50's /60s and remember food being precious. No junk food then. I also remember always playing out until dark, no tele or computer games. A "drink" was what you had at a celebration. My Grandma lived to 85 and died in 1977. 

Only down side was smoking - then they didn't know the risks but also since many had died in the War there was a live for now attitude. No fat people around either.

What we need is fresh food (not processed) enough and exercise. So no wonder we're eating our selves to death. Your body knows how to process it and makes best use of it.