Wednesday 26 December 2012

Annoying Christmas

You know what intensly annoys me?

There is one REINDEEER
There are loads of REINDEER!!

There are NO ReindeerS!

I wish people would get it right, they are so ignorant.

Saturday 22 December 2012

Bad Drivers

With this horrid weather and short days why do idiot drivers have to go in Stealth Mode?

They go out in a black car with NO LIGHTS! Do they not want to be seen? This was what I saw today at 8am, nearly dark. With your windows steaming up and heay rain, you just can't see them coming. 

Do they want to crash? Mad. New cars have these driving lights - I agree. Technology has improved but all cars have lights.

"See and be Seen!" this used to be the motto.

Don't they realise of they can't see other cars then they can't be seen.

I despair.

Wednesday 19 December 2012

Downloads get expensive

Well I thought it would catch on but then folk would feel the pain. All this downloading and expecting ever faster Broadband had to come to an end - well at least you have to PAY for it.

The ISPs know they're onto a winner. All that iPLayer, 4ondemand, Lovefilm, iTUNES etc


On top of that now we have the dysfunctional family, they never talk etc it used to be the TV. Every one in their rooms watching different programs now its everyone with their Tablet, ipod, iPhone, iPAD, Playstation, computer etc.all smurfing the internet and watching stuff online. No Interaction there then.

Yes WiFi is great but don't forget all this adds up on your monthly download limit, then your IPSP slaps a surcharge on.


Oh and by the way this is my last but one BLOG.


No more after Thursday, tomorrow, I hope you're prepared?

What do I mean, well Friday is the 


The ancient Mayans predicted Friday to be the End of the World so I hope you're ready. Waste of time buying presents, or prearing for Christmas, just go out tomorrow and blow it all on the widest Xmas party ever.


Sunday 16 December 2012

Immigrants forced to learn English?

So Mr Ed Miliband says that we must force immigrants to learn english, bar them from jobs where their English is deemed too poor and take responsibility for teaching their children English.

Well fine, 

Under the proposals, parents will be required to take responsibility for their foreign-born children learning English at home, and being able to speak English will be made mandatory in a greater number of public sector jobs.

However I do hope that the jobs in question are barred to ALL who cannot meet the standards,  indigenous English people also. Will he also "force" English people to take responsibility for thei r children being sufficientlyeducated to get these jobs?

Perhaps if he looked closely he might identify that there is a 20% underclass of British people who are all but illiterate. What does he propose to do about these before he lavishes more of our money on helping immigrants to get jobs in our country at the expense of us!

To me there can be nothing better than money invested in educating our children, that is the way to bring this country back on its feet, to put the GREAT back in Great Britain.

Saturday 15 December 2012

Is GAY marriage wrong?

Look, if the Government wants to legalise Gay marriage I'm all for it.

With less than half people in a marriage promoting marriage can be nothing but good.

Whether it's 2 men/women/man & woman surely a stable, loving relationship  between 2 people is to be applauded?

If they support Gay Marriage then maybe they'll at last give "normal" marriage some kind of support?

Since recently Marriage has been a dirty word, but  does it matter about the sex of the people? 

Marriage should confer a celebration nd some sort of legal status, over and above "just living together".
 Folk want "common law wives" to have status - well why not get married?

There is such a thing as a Will. There are such things as legal contracts  Marrying is a legal status. So Gay Marriage should be the same. There is a Civil Partnership, is this not Marriage but without the title. I despair.

Marriage between a man and a woman has been proven to be the best relationship for bringing up a family. Best for children. Lets outright promote it. Even if the partners are GAY it must be good?
"Till death do us part". Lets honour our vows.

Lets support MARRIAGE!

Thursday 13 December 2012

Fantastic Meteor shower display

Went out with Oscar at 6am this morning. Perfect clear sky, and saw 10 meteors in 15mins. FANTASTIC. (hope the triffids aren't on the way?).

Should be even better tonight if it stays clear.

News on the stars in lincolnshire.

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Are electric cars cheaper? (to run)

Yes - I'd like an electric car and save hundreds on diesel. What is the Government going to do when they have no revenue from Oil? Yes - you've guessed it - charge per mile for using the roads! Mark my words.

If you only commute a few miles, (less then 20 each way) would be nice if your employer provided charging points. Sounds like a good (environmentally friendly) way to go. By the way, is an electric car environmentally friendly, I mean if it was made of wood perhaps. What about all the nasties in the plastic, and batteries?

Where does the electricity come from, if you've got solar panels - fine - oh, but you're at work all day, its dark at night when you're home, DOH!

Sorry  - this doesn't add up.

Monday 10 December 2012

RIP - Sir Patrick Moore

Sorry to hear Sir Patrick Moore has really gone to the Heavens. I'm sure he'll be up there forever now looking down on us. He's someone who has always been there. RIP

Saturday 8 December 2012

Autumn Budget

Great that Osborne is to raise personal allowances but.

What about married couples?

£9244 allowance great but what about couples? My wife doesn't work but why can't I have her unused allowance? Nearly £20k before we pay tax great. Yes she could work but if she doesn't gives a job to someone else. Why can't we benefit? Surely one worker per household is better than none. The saving is in benefits.

It does seem bad that Tax allowances are lost lie this. It can't cost much in the big scheme of things but also what about families, the person staying at home to look after children. Much better than farming them out.

Monday 3 December 2012

50 years of the Audio Cassette

Yes it is 50 years since the first audio cassette appeared.

Do you remember them? What did you do with yours?

Buying music on cassettes - never was as good as records then CD's killed them both.

Recording from the radio/copying your mates Cassettes/LP's - yes that was great.

You didn't really mind the wow, hiss and flutter. After all the players were that tinny anyway.

I got a Chrome/Metal tape deck for my Hi-Fi, just meant I could hear the wow, hiss and flutter better.

Then do you remember un-jamming the cassette recorder.
Using a pencil or biro to rewind the tape? Hopefully it still played. I even resorted to cutting out the ruined bit and slicing them up with a razor blade and sellotape - it worked after a fashion.

C90's were best - C120's seemed to be the worst offenders at jamming - I suppose they were thinner.

Then there were the games - loading you Jet Set Willy game on the Spectrum  20mins of screeching and the  "load error"!! Arrrrggh! Start again. 

Ah those were the days (I don't think so).

Sunday 2 December 2012

Higher Energy bills but we save?

So now the Government are trying to convince us that by puttin £100 a year on our bills will save us money?

Are they MAD, who are they fooling?

Energy bills will not go down whatever.

What they should do is whatever they can to help people use LESS, power and energy.

It can be done, we have much more efficient appliances. If we switched to LED bulbs we'd save a lot. Some people don't actually know that if they shut the windows and doors it saves energy. If they are cold they turn the heating up. YES they are crazy, ignorant but crazy.

If we all had solar panels on our houses at least during the day consumption would plummet, then why not a win turbine on every house?

Companies should be made to cut energy by tax incentives.

It can all be done.

We really don't want the lights to start going out in a couple of year, or do we?

Frosty tonight

Will we see some snow tonight?

First of the winter.

Have got the Christmas decorations up - looks very festive.