Thursday 21 February 2013

Push electric cars

No not literally - the Government is trying to promote electric vehicles.

Lets face it  - who wants to pay £25k for a little car that only goes less than 100miles before you need to charge it, Where do you charge it?

Who can afford a £25k car?

Buy a £15k car and then you've got £10k to spend on f uel. Even at todays prices that goes a a long way!

At £1.40 a litre and 50mpg that woudl get you 350000 miles. Even at 35000 miles a year that would take you 10years motoring.

So next, I said yesterday the lights will goi off soon so how do you charge your electric car? Whene every home has one, that will drain the grid even more.

Then the Governments daft isdea is charging points every where. Imagine it - Electric bollards all along the streets.

  • Cables going to each car.
  • A Health and Safety nighmare. 
  • That's assuming the Vandals don't cut your cable, or worse.
  • Someone may trip over the cable and sue you. Forget its plugged in and drive off. 
  • Who's going to lay the cables to the bollards. 
  • Who's going to pay for the electricity?

Now lastly in a few years cables to cars will be as old hat as the Landline phone is now. We all have mobiles! Technology exists now to charge cars remotely like WiFi. Yes the cables need laying in the roads, but all you need is top park over it and the car charges. they can even be in the road providing power while you drive. A pilot scheme is running Europe for this already

Usual story Britain is years behind.

Wait and see. Monty told you first.

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