Monday 4 February 2013

Young denied jobs because the old won't give up.

So now they're complaining that the Young can't get new jobs but the older workers are hanging on to theirs.

Well can you blame them? Think about it
  1. Pensions are down - annuities are down - so you need more income
  2. Interest rates are down - so no income there
  3. Cameron and co keep telling everyone they'll have to work longer before they get a pension
  4. Back to 1, even if you live to retire then your pension will be small so you need to work longer
So all around, if you've got a job better stick to it because you need the money.

I've said before i the 2Cs could understand it, the old could retire gracefully and let the young have the jobs. The money they'll be pouring in to give the young a start could go to REtrining the old, and swapping the jobs with them.

  1. Ensure pensions are maintained at a reasonable level
  2. Ensure the older people maintain their savings rates at a reasonable level
  3. Allow people to retire if they give their job to a young person
  4. Older people need less to live on than when they're working.
What about it C&C?

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