Monday 11 February 2013

The Recycling Fiasco

What does your council really do with your waste?

Is it a con?

It certainly is ridiculous. How are people expected to know what is recyclable and what is not. The manufacturers have a responsibility  There are too many forms of plastic - not all recyclable and then what if they are mixed?

  1. What we need is uniform scheme of collection all across the country,
  2. Legislation to make manufacturers use recyclable materials and label them clearly.
The amount of packaging is ridiculous, bottles in plastic wrappers with cardboard around.

Mark recyclable containers with the 3 circular arrows, not numbers - who knows if its 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5? and which is recyclable here but not there.

We don't need plastic made from oil we can use a form of cellulose from plants - works the same and is biodegradable.

Wood is good. Even if we landfill it. Wood = carbon. Buried it stays our of the atmosphere, degrades and we plant more trees to replace hence reducing CO2.

Lets get it sorted for the planets sake.

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