Wednesday 20 February 2013

Energy - worse than higher prices - what to do when the lights go out?

We are blindly sleep walking into a crisis.

I could write a book on this but the future of energy in this country is bleak.

I am old enough to remember the rota cuts in tte 70's under Heath. Its not nice. It could happen here in 3 - 6 years.

We are using more and more energy even though it is getting more expensive yet supply must match demand. Its a law of physics like night follows day - ask Prof Brian Cox - he knows everything.

Anyway why be worried? Because we're shutting power stations and not building new ones. Forget the turbines - ONE gigawat power station would be equivalent to 10000 turbines so where and how are they going to build them? By april 10% of our supply will be turned off - what then? That's about 5gw, or 50,000 turbines - LOL!! remember does the wind blow 24x7?

We've had the dash-for-gas about 15yrs ago many gas fired power stations were built cheap, clean and efficient but drained our gas reserves and they only last about 10-15years. Not a good idea so now we need several nuclear stations to replace the gap but where and how will they be built. They take about 5-10yrs to get going - we can't wait that long hence the GAP. That's when the lights go out.

Believe me you read it here.

The good thing about this economic crisis is it reduces demand for power giving us a little breathing space. But when things pick up? What about fuel where is that to come from? GAS - probably from Russia or the middle east but then we're dependant on imports and what if there's trouble? Look at events in Africa with Al Qaeda taking over. Be worried.

We could use less - fat chance! Technology advances to make more efficient devices, but what about all those electric cars? where do they get their power? WE could spend the money on turbines on insulating our homes better or putting solar panels on every house! Why not?

Funny  thing is we're sitting on 200 years worth of Coal - but they won't use that its "dirty". Technology exists to burn it cleanly but its more expensive so BILLS UP! one way or another.


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