Monday 30 September 2013

Make the Unemployed do something

2 things here.

  1. Why make folk forever - till they drop - when there are folk (younger) who need jobs?
  2. People can't be beaten in to getting jobs.
If the long term unemployed genuinely can't get jobs look into why?

  1. Help older folk retire and give their job to the unemployed
  2. Maybe they need training/educating?

We are told often enough that there is a shortage of skilled people so TRAIN them.

It starts in schools  - too many young folk end up as NEETS. We need to stop this else we end up funding them in a life on the dole.

Set up some training for them. I remember years ago I was unemployed and got on a Manpower Services 30 week course, got paid a reasonable allowance and expenses and trained in Computer Programming. Started a new career and still doing it.

It can be set up with Companies, they train you, they help you look for a job.

I certainly don't agree with a "life on the dole", but more carrots (with strings).

Maybe the MPs could do with more "helpers" - that would save money then they wouldn't have to"employ" their families!

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