Thursday 26 September 2013

No 2 asserby Windfarm and Turbines everywhere, except for m

Are you happy to pay your £34 to make the Turbine builders Millionaires?
What have I said before, don't forget that of your typical annual bill of £1300 5% is VAT, or £65 so the Government keeps getting a bigger share of the profits as well as prices keep rising.

Mr Milliband is thinking right, but what he should do is remove VAT on the first £1000 of your bill. Its the poorest who are trying to save money by cutting back who pay the most. Tariffs for prepayment are the highest and often these folk are on benefits or fixed incomes. They cut back to save but still pay tax to keep warm when they pay no Tax on their income - come on Mr Milliband do the Labour thing.

Yet - I can't have a Domestic Turbine in my garden Planning Permission won't allow!

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