Thursday 26 September 2013

Where are the Heads-Up displays?

Given how Long fighter pilots and F1 drivers have had Heads-UP displays I wonder why they are not standard in today's cars?

Look here "fantastic they are putting them in for Motorcyclists in their Helmets"

I would have thought instead of old-fashioned dashboard dials etc the important stuff - like SPEED should be on the heads-Up display.

Makes sense?

Besides I've no objection to an "intelligent " car telling me I'm going over the speed limit. I don't want to speed. Today with the Sat-Navs and GPS - they put them in your Mobile phones I think it should be compulsory for all speed limits to be "mapped" and beamed down to sour smart cars so where ever you are they know the speed on the road where you are, the car knows the limit and how fast you are driving and either warns you when you are say 5mph of the Max or warns yo when you've gone over a\nd won't in fact let you exceed it by more Than 5mph.

I'm all for this. I hate it when an unfamiliar road is poorly marked with the limit/ I err on  safe side. I was near Whitehaven and although a dual carriage way the lamp post were very close, I believe the Highway Code tells you this indicates a 30mph! after a long way and being severely overtaken I at last saw 1 small repeater saying 50mph. Shame on them. The locals knew of course. Then there's a short 2 mile stretch - no central carrier with National Speed limit - outrageous.

Rant over.

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