Wednesday 26 February 2014

After earth 2013

Sci fi post apocalypse earth. Reminded me of planet of the apes but not as good. Basically a creature feature.. Jaden smith wimps around evading creatures to save him and his dad. Doesn't need much thought .

Tuesday 18 February 2014

No to Asserby Windfarm

I'm against this proposal. Less than 1 mile away I'm terrified of the low frequency noise they produce, its insiduous and you can't ignore it. it damages people's health but because its not LOUD the Developers tell you its safe

Read the evidence

Monday 17 February 2014

The Lone Ranger - 2013

I enjoyed this. Sort of Pirates of the Wild West or The Mummy Goes West!!

Johnny Depp was behind and in this film - say no more. Not sure what they wanted it to be, Comedy, Spoof, Romp, Rom Com, Adventure - shame really just missed the mark. If you've seen the original TV Lone Ranger it makes sense. Arnie Hammer  is sort of like Brendan Fraser. I also kept thinking of John Reid in Whitechapel (TV). Am I confused - yes I guess so you can tell. Was I disappointed - yes it could have been a very good story, quite violent, but there was a point to it. Cowboys n Indians always were shooting each other, bodies every where. Just wish the director could make his mind up what sort of a film it was. 
I expect a Lone Ranger 2, this was just the start of his quest.
Oh and more could of been made of Silver - he was the Star!

Sunday 9 February 2014

Give our Aid to Somerset

Should we divert our Aid to Somerset.

Daily mail comment says we give billions over seas to areas hit by disasters. Somerset gets Nowt!
Working hard: Volunteers moves chippings to help stabilise a pathway at Burrowbridge on the Somerset Levels today
The Third Wrld gets more help. Somerset loooks like Bangladesh. Yes Somerest would be better off it it was in the Third World.

Kick-Ass II

Actually better than 1 i thought .  Having seen 1 is almost essential . Black humour abounds and twist on the sugary teeny shows is a nice touch. It has a darkly foreboding message of where society may be going especially Social media. Bang up to date. Not for the squeamish. Surely there Will be a 3?

Thursday 6 February 2014

Against Asserby Windfarm Weds 5th Feb 2014

Excellent talk by Bob last night on NOISE from Windfarms. It is Infrasound - low frequency that travels distances, penetrates and disturbs you, and is harmful to health. Imagine when a train goes under a bridge, you get a whoosh and a bump, that is what happens when a Turbine blade passes the bottom of the Tower yet it can be travelling at 180kph (over 90 mph)! every second.

Wednesday 5 February 2014

The Host - 2013

Another film. I enjoyed this. Aliens yes, but more a romance. a bit of a cross with Man with 2 brains and What women want but forget that and relax. The aliens are alien but human spirit survives - or will it?

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Energy Companies "fleecing the poor" - Official

If you read this the Government accepts that they amounted to a tax on some of the poorest in society.

I've argued this before but now it seems MPs are taking it seriously at last.

Meaning that also these million people who also pay 5% VAT and the GREEN tax on their Energy are also being "Fleeced" by the Government. Taxing the Poor so they can give to the Rich - the Energy Companies who put up Windfarms paid for out of these taxes. When will they finally GET IT?

It is disproportionate tax on the  poorest

Elysium - review

I decided that you may appreciate any reviews of recent films i've seen. Traditionally Friday night is film night. Usually  a dvd  or recorded off TV.
we watched Elysium. Disappointed. Story was weak and Matt Damon (Max) hardly acted. he enlisted the help of an Android suit and might as well have been one. Jody Foster shone, deliciously OTT  as Delacourt, matriarch of Elysium . Apart from that it was Die Hard goes to a  space station.

Elysium - review

I decided that you may appreciate any reviews of recent films i've seen. Traditionally Friday night is film night. Usually  a dvd  or recorded off TV.
we watched Elysium. Disappointed. Story was weak and Matt Damon (Max) hardly acted. he enlisted the help of an Android suit and might as well have been one. Jody Foster shone, deliciously OTT  as Delacourt, matriarch of Elysium . Apart from that it was Die Hard goes to a  space station.

Monday 3 February 2014

Cashless Society ?

I'd like a Moneyless society like they have in Star Trek. We're not far off.
We have a sizeable underclass who want for nothing and do nothing to earn it. unemployed and people on benefits for life, smoke, drink, wide screen TV and Sky!
Why work?
Couldn't we all have the minimum then reward us differently for effort and worth?

It works for some people doesn't it.