Tuesday 4 March 2014

How GREEN is green energy, and where does all the CO2 come from

How GREEN is green energy, and where does all the CO2 come from - Fossil Fuels you say - well look at Concrete! Look at all the Manufacturing that our society does - it needs ENERGY!

We are all familiar with burning fossil fuels and creating CO2, but I wonder about other things in society that consume energy and generate CO2. Concrete is a good example. Who would think that buildings are responsible for huge amounts of Co2 emissions. Anything made of Concrete is fuelling the Carbon emission to the tune of 1:1.

Every ton of cement produces almost a ton of CO2. That's why the concrete is reckoned to be one of the most polluting industries on earth, responsible for up to 5% of total world greenhouse gas emissions.

Think about wind Turbines – Green Energy creating no Carbon but how did they get built?  How was the Turbine fabricated – in a factory, Steel create from iron ore, smelted in huge furnaces fuelled by gas/coke/coal producing CO2, then  made into a tower with blades and generator on top.

How did it get there – transported by ship/lorry to the site hundreds of miles away. Then the Foundations for a huge 115 m high monolith, concrete every ton of concrete used in the base created 1ton of CO2 .

Not very Green eh?

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