Monday 24 March 2014

Electric Mayhem

SO good idea Boris's Electric Cars, pity that Electric Cars have stalled across the country.

Charging points are so and few between the Electric Car will only be useful for short distance commuters, and those that do venture out afar have to take numerous cables because there is no standard. What we all need is the "Magnetic Induction" charging system.  They use it in Europe and also on Milton Keynes for Electric buses.

Its ridiculous that in this wealthy country we have developed this system. It will be seen as ridiculous in years to come. 2054 "oh and in 2014 they actually had to connect their cars with a cable to charge them, What a ridiculous idea and the Health and safety implications eh! Ha Ha ha!" Just like now when last century we had Gas lamps.The technology can be put under parking bays anywhere or even on the open road. Imagine stopping at the lights and getting charged up! Of course it wouldn't be free but to get a charge you maybe had some sort of metering like using a sat nav.
See this - Last year, South Korea switched on a 12km (7.5-mile) road which can recharge electric vehicles as they drive over it, without the need for vehicles to stop at all. Two public buses are using the Online Electric Vehicle system, or OLEV, in the South Korean city of Gumi.
The technology means the vehicles can be fitted with smaller, lighter batteries, reducing the amount of power required to drive them.
Come on Cameron and Osborne use the Green levy for something really useful, bring us into the 21st Century and eliminate Petrol/Diesel cars!

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