Monday 3 March 2014

About time they Privatised the BBC

Then they can do what they like. This is our money. How dare Lord Hall say its Value for money. I DON'T WANT TO PAY ANYTHING!

Lord Hall has been keen to argue that the BBC provides value for money and in a speech to the Oxford Media Convention last week he said  a BBC survey had shown that some viewers would happily pay between £15 and £20 a month, compared to the £12 currently paid.

If it was your local council paying 6 figure sums to staff they'd soon be sacked. How does the BBC get away with it? It has got to stop. I choos NOT to watch SKy. but they don't cost the taxpayer anything. Let the BBC stand in th ecommercial world I say.

They could provide 1 public service TV and radio channel from general taxation. Let every household be £145.50 better off - we need it for our fuel bills.

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