Wednesday 19 March 2014

Free Electricity - this IS the answer to the Fuel Crisis?

Free Saturday Electricity- Just a gimmick – should be outlawed. These folk will just gorge themselves on power. How can it make sense? We should all be trying to use LESS electricity. British Gas should reduce prices for everyone. This tariff will be banned.

Solar panels is the answer, everyone should have them. During daylight all my electricity is virtually free (and green). Make use of that, don’t be a Saturday Planet burner.

The Chancellor missed atrick or two today.

5% VAT on home energy - why not abolish it on the first £1500 of bills? WE all have to pay our buills even those on Benefits but because of "Standing Charges" the less you use the more you pay proportionately in TAX. This husrts the poor trying to economise - is that fair. Those on benfits pay often the highest prices especially if they are on a pre-pay meter. The VAT goes up as prices go up. Mr Millionaire doesn't care.

Then there's the GREEN TAX, about 15% goes to pay these muti-billion pound companies raping our countryside witrh subsidised Wind Turbines.

You do realise they get twice the market rate for what they generate (whether it is used or not) and even more when they can't sell it!! Check this out!

What about the BBC? £600million is the cost of Free TV Licences for Pensioners over 75. OK for them but why? Why should anyone pay an ertertainment tax? £145 per houshold to watch TV . But that would lose votes from the over 75's but not if we all were exempt.

Mr OSbourne PRIVATISE THE BBC SAVE US ALL £145 A YEAR. (£32billion a year cost).Does SKY get a subsidy? It might even generate a windfall like selling the Post Office. Come on State Funded Entertainment is NOT a Conservative policy is it. If it were tried now it be laughed out of parliament.

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